Back row: Gregory C. Maksimuk (Pres.); Dean M. Frieders (Past Pres.); Joshua B. Rosenzweig (Gen. Counsel); Carolyn D. Jansons (Sec/Trea.); Lindsay Hatzis (Member); Elizabeth Berrones (Member); Kathleen Doyen (Member); (not pictured are Scott M. Richmond (Member) and Daniel R. Whiston (Member))
The recent Kane County Bar Association (KCBA) election and swearing in of the new KCBA officers and board members that took place on June 11, 2015, was historic for two reasons. The 2015 election and swearing in marks the first time in the history of the Bar Association, which dates back to the days when Abraham Lincoln rode the circuit, that number of women have equaled the number of men in the KCBA leadership. The election and swearing in is also historic for the fact that two members of the Drendel & Jansons Law Group will serve on the Board at the same time as officers. Until recently, officers and Board members were appointed, but the bylaws were changed a few years ago to provide for elections. These things combine to make it truly an historic Kane County Bar Association election.
The Drendel & Jansons Law Group and predecessor firms have had a long time commitment of service to the local Bar Association. Many members and past members of the Firm have served the Bar Association in many capacities as leaders, committee chairs, Continuing Legal Education (CLE) coordinators, moderators and speakers and in other ways. Other firm members who were President of the Bar Association include Gilbert x. Drendel, Jr., Thomas McCracken, Susan B. Tatnall and Kevin D. Drendel.
Also related is the commitment of the Drendel & Jansons Law Group to the community, community service and providing legal services to people who cannot afford them. Gilbert Drendel received the KCBA Community Service Award in 1995, and the Illinois State Bar Association Community Service Award in 1996. Mark D. Brent received the Kane County Bar Foundation Pro Bono Award in 2015; and Roman J. Seckel was named the Pro Bono Volunteer of the Month by for Administer Justice for December of 2010.
Thee of the Drendel & Jansons Law Group attorneys have been recipients of the Kane County Bar Association Outstanding New Lawyer Awards, including Carolyn D. Jansons (2006, the first time the Award was given); and Roman J. Seckel (2010).