Roman Seckel Best Under 40 reads the headlines in the Kane County Chronicle. On Tuesday night, September 22, 2015, Roman and eleven other rising stars in the Fox Valley area were honored at the St. Charles Country Club by a dinner hosted by the Chronicle for being considered the best 12 young professionals under the age of 40 in the area.
The reasons are clear, summarized in the article linked above. Roman stands out, even among attorneys of any age, as being different. “Compassionate” and “good listener” are not adjectives usually associated with “lawyer”, but Roman is both of those with a quiet strength that makes him both a good counselor for his clients and an effective advocate for his clients’ interests.
This most recent recognition for Roman comes after being recognized for being one of the top 10 lawyers in Illinois under the age of 40 by the National Academy of Family Law Attorneys earlier this year. Being recognized in the community in which he works and by his professional peers as well speaks to the solid record of character and accomplishment that marks Roman’s career as an attorney that began from the day he passed the Illinois State Bar Exam (and later the Wisconsin State Bar Exam as well).
Roman’s acknowledgements speak highly of himself as well as attorneys, generally, who are not typically unscrupulous, flashy and arrogant as popular stereotypes suggest. The recognition by his peers shows that the same character traits that are valued in the community and by clients are honored in the profession of law.
Honesty, integrity, diligence along with genuine caring for clients who usually are coming in with difficulties that are beyond their abilities to resolve alone are hallmarks of the attorney as a professional, and the ideal to which all should strive. Roman Seckel has embraced the traditional professional ideal and embodies it in his practice. We are proud to call him a member of our firm and a friend.