Professional Service With A Personal Touch

Office of Drendel & Jansons Law Group

Drendel & Jansons Law Group Recognized by Administer Justice with the True Justice Award

In September, the Drendel & Jansons Law Group was honored by Administer Justice with the True Justice Award for 2019. The True Justice award is given each year to a recipient who “demonstrates a heart for the weightier matters of the law – justice, mercy and faithfulness. The recipient must model true faithfulness through humble service, whatever the task; true mercy through caring for those in need; and true justice through love for all those with whom they serve.”

Significantly, the award was given this year to the Drendel & Jansons firm, not just one individual. Most, if not all, of our attorneys have taken on cases referred by Administer Justice at one time or another in the past. Most of those cases were taken pro bono, with a few of them at discounted rates for people who were able to afford something, but not the full-blown cost of an attorney.

In addition to all the cases the Drendel & Jansons Law Group has taken from Administer Justice, Kevin Drendel has served on the Administer Justice Board of Directors and now serves on the Administer Justice Advisory Board that was established after the merger last year into the national organization, Gospel Justice Initiative. Kevin now serves on the National Board for Gospel Justice Initiative.

Kevin has also volunteered for years at the Aurora Legal Aid Clinic for Administer Justice, most recently as the supervising attorney. In the last year, the clinic has transitioned from Wayside Cross to the Aurora Interfaith Food Pantry, providing legal aid to members of the public who cannot afford an attorney. In September, a clinic was re-established at Wayside Cross for just the Wayside residents, that is being run by Bill Mayer, who is the corporate legal counsel for Southern Company Gas.