(c) Can Stock Photo After considering Who Needs a Will? The probate process can be avoided while still maintaining a very high degree of certainty that your estate will be handled by the persons who choose, the way you want it handled, by using a living Trust. Unlike...
Professional Service With A Personal Touch
Estate Planning
Who Needs a Will?
(c) Can Stock Photo Expanding on Do-It-Yourself Estate Planning: Keeping it Simple: Do-it-yourself estate planning is simple and cheap. By using a combination of beneficiary designations, payable on death designations and joint ownership, you can pass most of your...
Do-It-Yourself Estate Planning: Keeping it Simple
(c) Can Stock Photo After doing Estate Planning for many years, a pattern emerges in the questions that people ask (and statements that people make). For instance, people often say something like, “I just want a simple Will.” The statement begs the question: why do...
How to Avoid a Free-For-All When You Die
You've probably heard the stories about what happens when a family member dies without doing any estate planning… and if you haven't heard them, I could fill a book! The vacuum left by the death of a loved one can produce some strange and unfortunate reactions....
5 Basic Things to Consider When Choosing a Trustee
(c) Can Stock Photo Other aspects of estate planning are more complex, but choosing a trustee is one of the more difficult decisions to make. Conventional wisdom suggests that people should have several trustees in order of succession, but sometimes choosing even one...
Understanding the Difference Between Executor and Trustee
Canstock Photo D:csp4598868 People often confuse executors and trustees. Both roles are important when it comes to estate planning, but the roles are distinctly different. Understanding the difference between executor and trustee will be helpful when you think about...
Marital Property, Non-Marital Property and Estate Planning
(c) Can Stock Photo An article we did on our Family Law website highlights the difference between marital and non-marital property owned by spouses. Marital property gets divided between the spouses if there is a divorce, but non-marital property doesn’t get divided...
More Considerations on the Use of Joint Trusts or Separate Trust for Spouses
(c) Can Stock Photo A beginning question for couples who want to avoid probate by using a trust or trusts is whether to use a single, “joint trust” or to use separate trusts, one (or more) for each spouse. There is no one-size-fits-all answer. Many couples own all or...
A Tale of Two Estate Planning Stories
People like stories, and I have gathered a few in the years I have practiced law. During the time I have been representing people doing estate planning and handling estates, I have seen many things, both good and bad, that are examples of what to do and what not to...
Avoiding Probate is a Matter of Trust
“Avoiding probate” is a buzz word that is often used and sometimes confused. Many people don't understand the probate process, even by people who are quite sure it should be avoided. For instance, Wills do not “avoid probate”, and probate does not subject an estate to...