An online poster recently asked the following question: My sister's name is on the savings account with my mother. If my mother dies, does the account become hers? This is a common scenario and a good question. People often add a child’s or other person’s name to a...
Professional Service With A Personal Touch
Office of Drendel & Jansons Law Group
Legal Q & A
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Legal Q & A Series: Estate Planning/Powers of Attorney
Legal Q & A: Estate planning “My mother made me her agent on her health care power of attorney. Now my brother is showing me a power of attorney making him the agent. Is that legal?” It all depends on whether your mother, by her choice, executed a new power of...
What to do with the Original of a Will
I am often asked what a person should do with the original Will once it is signed. There is no right or wrong answer, but doing some things are better than others. The options should be considered in light of the family and personal dynamics and particular...